
Géraldine Picaud, CEO of SGS, Announces New Executive Committee

临时公告根据Art . 3的特别公告. 53 LR2024年3月26日
  • New CEO announces streamlined Executive Committee of 12 members
  • Focused team to implement Strategy 2027: Growth, Performance & 敏捷,财务状况良好
  • Marta Vlatchkova appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective May 8, 2024

The new management team is now in place to execute Strategy 2027: Accelerating growth, building trust. 委员会由12名成员组成, 团结在首席执行官葛文杰·皮考德的周围, 来自集团的管理人员和来自其他领域的个人带来互补的专业知识.

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6 members are driving commercial and operational activities:

由于测试的局部性质 & 检查, 它将通过5个地区进行管理, while Certification will be managed as one global activity, 命名业务保证.

  • Steven Du is appointed Head of Asia Pacific;
  • 马尔科姆·里德被任命为欧洲负责人;
  • Teymur Abasov is appointed Head of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa;
  • Derick Govender is appointed Head of North America;
  • Rafael Navazo joins the Group as Head of Latin America, effective July 1, 2024;
  • Jeff McDonald continues as Head of Business Assurance.

2 members are responsible for 全球 Business Development:

  • Charles Ly Wa Hoi is appointed Head of Connectivity & 产品与健康 & 营养;
  • Egidijus Jokubauskas is appointed Head of Industries & 环境与自然资源.

3 members are responsible for 全球 Functions:

  • Marta Vlatchkova于2024年5月8日加入集团担任首席财务官;
  • Martin Oesch joins the Group as Group General Counsel, effective May 1, 2024. 他将接替Olivier Merkt,后者将继续担任该职位,直到4月底退休;
  • Jessica Sun continues as Head of Group Human 资源.

Géraldine Picaud, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“新的执行委员会的任命标志着SGS开启了激动人心的新篇章. 它强调了我们的承诺,即抓住可持续发展的市场大趋势所创造的许多机会, 数字, 供应链和法规, as well as by the strong fragmentation of our industry.

“It also demonstrates our renewed focus on growth, 创新和问责制,并将指导SGS的运营朝着更高的效率和效益发展.

“我借此机会热烈欢迎三位经验丰富的领导人加入我们集团:Marta Vlatchkova担任首席财务官, Martin Oesch as Group General Counsel and Rafael Navazo as Head of Latin America. SGS will be stronger thanks to their expertise.”

Biographies of the Executive Committee members


Teymur Abasov is appointed Head of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. He was previously Chief Operating Officer, Eastern Europe and Middle East. 在此之前, 他曾担任SGS在该地区的几个重要职位:SGS哈萨克斯坦和里海地区总经理, SGS阿塞拜疆公司总经理 & Georgia and Operations Manager of SGS Azeri. 他于1994年加入SGS,在阿塞拜疆担任高级检验员,获得电气工程学位.


Steven Du is appointed Head of Asia Pacific. He was previously Chief Operating Officer of SGS North-East Asia. 在此之前, 他曾在亚洲担任多个高级职位,包括中国董事总经理和越南董事总经理. 他还曾在SGS新加坡和菲律宾从事食品检测、认证和培训工作. 2002年,他主持建立了中国第一家商业食品检测实验室. Steven于1999年加入SGS,拥有深圳大学管理文凭和香港中文大学物流及供应链管理硕士学位.


Derick Govender is appointed Head of North America. He was previously Executive Vice President for Natural 资源. 在此之前, 他曾担任南非矿产全球彩票app执行副总裁和区域矿产业务和运营经理. 他于2002年加入SGS担任首席化验师. 事先, 他曾担任Mintek贵金属实验室的首席化学家,也曾在Randgold矿山实验室工作. 他在南非接受教育,持有分析化学和商业管理资格.


Egidijus Jokubauskas is appointed Head of Industries & 环境与自然资源. 此前,他曾担任SGS的矿产商品主管,负责P&L and operational excellence in servicing global key accounts. 在此之前, Egidijus held various leadership positions within SGS, 包括能源矿产主管. 2006年加入SGS之前, 他曾在立陶宛Intertek担任波罗的海国家农业业务经理, as well as at BSI as an operations manager. Egidijus在克莱佩达大学(University of Klaipeda)获得了海洋动力装置工程学位和海洋运输技术硕士学位, 立陶宛.


Charles Ly Wa Hoi is appointed Head of Connectivity & 产品与健康 & 营养. He was previously Executive Vice President for Connectivity & 产品. 在此之前, 他曾在SGS担任多个高级管理职位:负责消费者和零售的执行副总裁, 材料和制造全球主管, 全球运输主管, 设备和机械. Charles joined SGS in 1992 and rejoined in 2008 after director-level roles at E. 勒克莱尔和布伊格能源全球彩票app公司. He holds a degree in Electronics Engineering from ENSEIRB-MATMECA.


Jeffrey McDonald自2021年1月起继续担任业务保证主管. 此前,他担任认证和业务增强执行副总裁. Between 2007 and 2015 he was the Chief Operating Officer for SGS North America. 在此之前, he had been Executive Vice President for Systems and Services Certification, 认证全球彩票app东南亚次区域经理以及泰国消费产品部经理. Jeffrey于1994年加入SGS. He has a BA in Economics from Griffith University, a Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Technology, 并获得了Yeronga技术和继续教育学院的工程学位, 澳大利亚.


Rafael Navazo is appointed Head of Latin America, effective July 1, 2024. He is a seasoned business leader with over 15 years’ experience in P&L management, business restructuring, commercial & operations excellence, and supply chain integration. He was previously Vice President of Flow Control EMEA at Vesuvius, 他在钢铁和铸造市场提供高科技解决方案方面发挥了重要作用, significantly contributing to the divisions' growth and sustainability. 在此之前,Rafael曾在Imerys担任多个关键职位,包括副总裁 & General Manager for South America in Filtration and Performance Additives. 拉斐尔拥有巴黎HEC商学院管理学硕士学位和马德里politcnica大学采矿工程学位. He also completed an Executive Program at INSEAD.


Martin Oesch is appointed Group General Counsel, effective May 1, 2024. 他丰富的经验和战略思维将在提供法律指导方面发挥重要作用, ensuring compliance and supporting the Group’s ESG, 增长和扩张计划. He currently serves as Group General Counsel & 百乐嘉利宝公司秘书, 在那里,他在塑造公司的方向和贡献战略M&A、扩建项目. 在此之前, Martin was an associate with two leading Swiss law firms. 他拥有伯尔尼大学和芝加哥大学法学院的法学硕士学位。.


马尔科姆·里德被任命为欧洲主管. He was previously Chief Operating Officer, South-East Asia Pacific. 在此之前, 他曾担任消费者测试全球彩票app执行副总裁和系统与全球彩票app认证执行副总裁. He was also Managing Director in several countries, 包括澳大利亚, 泰国, 菲律宾和越南. 他于1987年加入公司. 马尔科姆于1985年毕业于格拉斯哥大学,获得化学(荣誉)理学士学位.


Jessica Sun was appointed Senior Vice President of Human 资源 in January 2022. 在此之前, she was Chief Human 资源 Officer at Smart Home, 海尔集团, 监督人力资源管理, 全球政策发展, practices and operations for this leading appliance company. 1993年成为人力资源专家, Jessica has held different positions at Pfizer, 百特医疗, 英格索兰, 和Mallinckrodt制药公司. Jessica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the China University of Politics & 法学和中欧国际工商学院EMBA学位.


Marta Vlatchkova is appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective May 8, 2024. She currently serves as Chief Accounting Officer at Sandoz, 非患者用药领域的全球领导者, 在那里,她成功地领导了会计职能从诺华的一个部门过渡到一家独立的上市公司. 在此之前, Marta led Group Accounting and Financial Planning & Analysis at Holcim, a global leader in building solutions. She also served as Head of Group Financial Planning & Analysis at Essilor, the world leader in ophthalmic lenses. 她持有University of Paris II Pantheon-Assas的金融硕士学位, 毕业于法国国立大学国际经济关系专业,获学士学位 & 《全球彩票app下载》,保加利亚索非亚.

Marta将负责监督和优化SGS的财务策略, 提高运营效率, and collaborating with leadership to achieve the Group’s business goals. 她坚定不移地追求卓越, 在高效流程和战略思维方面的广泛专业知识将在塑造SGS财务未来方面发挥至关重要的作用.

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